My Spring Challenge is over, but my Fitness Journey has just begun! I woke up today, after having thick crust pizza last night to a sheer joy of another vanishing pound on the scale! Those Take-Away-Fat Fairies visited me again! Love those fairies! I have now lost a total of 7 pounds in 7 weeks (on the scale!) While I use my scale as a gauge only, I know I have lost more than 7 pounds of fat, but it has been replaced with muscle gain and inches lost all over my body. I didn’t measure myself, before I started 7 weeks ago, because I measure myself on how I look in my clothes, I don’t care what the measurement is!
I think I still have around 6-10 pounds of fat to go (give or take, considering more muscle weight and toning will be done) before my body will be the size I am suppose to be – for my height of 5’3″, fairly small frame and 51 years of age. Once I reach what I am suppose to be, I will be exercising for maintenance and health for the rest of my life. I plan on being an 80 year old woman, waking up and jumping into my workout clothes, rather than putting on my over sized housecoat! I saw a lady getting her mail in one of those while I was running and thought to myself, not me!
My workout this morning went very well. I now have to push it to 5 miles as 4 miles I am not tired enough. You know you have a good workout when you feel fatigued when you finish. When you feel a little tired after your workout, you know you have pushed yourself and pushing is good! I did a lot of walking backwards, as usual, and find that I am going fast now. One neighbor drove past me with surprise as I was facing him and walking backwards. It made me smile. Who knows, maybe he will try it!
My two sons have been very supportive of me with my challenge to myself. My sons are both active in sports and eat healthy. My youngest (pictured with me above) is an excellent soccer player, skateboarder and beginning surfer! Both my boys cheer me on when I walk in the door after my workout and say “How far did you go today mom?” Today I told them, “I put in 5 miles today!” and it’s so great to hear them say, “Great job Mom!” I think it’s very important that parents set a good example for their kids, not only by telling them to be active, but showing them that their parents are active too. Now that the weather is warm ,here at the beach, we will go as a family and do active things at the beach, such as, kadima (paddle ball), frisbee, swimming, body surfing and whatever else we can think of to do. Get out there with your kids and get active! Childhood obesity is such a problem for our kids today and if we show our kids that WE are active, THEY will also be active!
I will be adding to my Fitness Journey, once a week, to share my continuing journey of fitness and any tips that I find to be helpful. Stay tuned. Now get outside and have some fun this weekend and be active!