Running when the sun is bright, hot and about 75% humidity can get to you when you are running! My trick today to get through my 3 mile run was to rock out with The Doobie Brothers. I turned my Ipod up, focused on the words and the beat and kept pounding the pavement. There were times when I could have quit running and walked but I refused to be defeated by humidity! I will certainly run much earlier for my next run because this morning was a doozy!
If you are a beginning runner I highly suggest to run very early in the morning or later in the evening when the sun is low. After your move from beginner runner to the next stage you will find you can handle heat a little better. You may not enjoy the heat, but will find you can push through more easily. I have been back at running for a little over a month now. I know I could not have handled the humidity today 4 weeks ago, but I have built up a little tolerance. It will happen for you too!
Today was my 4th time running my 3 mile route. My legs are not feeling like lead anymore and I can feel my muscles getting stronger. I may try to push it for 3.5 miles my next time out, only if it is early in the morning. 🙂 Or, I may still run the 3 miles and see if I can get a little faster time. Sometimes it’s best not to plan what you are going to do, but decide on that day and see how your body feels. Go with your gut, it will let you know if you should go longer or faster.
Keep exercising and keep challenging yourself. Remember, when you challenge yourself physically you are then able to do more in other parts of your life. Challenging physical activities are wonderful for everyone of all ages. Just get out there and do it!