I got up early today and hit the pavement! My legs wanted to run, but I knew I needed to give them a rest since I just started running again. I put my music on and hit my outside treadmill! I have a half-mile route that loops around from my house that I love to use as a training route. I did the half mile 6 times which gave me 3 miles! It was a great walk, but soon into my exercise I realized I need to get up earlier to avoid the hot sun! Tomorrow I will be running before the sun is too high. I have found when I am beginning to run again, I don’t need the hot sun beating down on me. It can make you feel a little queasy.
Giving your legs a day to rest between running is what I have found that helps my running days go much better. As I build up endurance and can go on longer runs, running short routes everyday will be ok and longer runs every other day.
I have been back into my running for just a few days and I can honestly say I am already noticing more energy into the evenings. I am hoping this time I will not let anything stop me! Cheers to running and staying in good health!