I have discovered that walking put my spring back in my step! Until I began my daily walking a week ago, I have been kind of a slug for the past couple of months. I don’t really have much of an excuse. Got busy at Christmas and then acquired a 3 week virus right after New Years. The virus finally left, but after I was better, I didn’t have the motivation to start exercising again. Not sure why! I began getting disgusted with myself in my clothes. I knew now is the time whether I feel like it or not.
A week ago, my husband and I started walking at least 3 miles each day. The first few days, I was exhausted by nightfall. My body was in shock! It has now been 9 days of doing this routine and my husband and I have logged 27 miles. We are both experiencing the bliss of energy and clear minds at work! It’s a wonderful feeling! I am also noticing some slight toning in my legs and my muscles are slightly more defined. Thank goodness, because legs without muscle are just not that pretty! Lol!
I haven’t lost any weight yet and actually have gained a few pounds. That is alright, there is a lot of fluid that will build up when you begin to exercise or exercise more than you have been doing. Your body is a little shocked and will tend to retain fluid in order to help and repair the muscles. Weight gain is not what you want to hear, but if you keep on exercising and pushing it, the muscles will get stronger and start eating away at the fat!
Now that I am walking at least 3 miles daily, I feel great! Now is a good time to resume my running and weight training. I am hoping to start tomorrow, which is Monday. For me, I like to start new exercise programs on Mondays. Don’t worry if you can’t or do not have the desire to run. Not everyone needs to or should run! I personally enjoy running. I love the runner’s high, which I never seem to get from a brisk walk. Weight training is different. Everyone should do some sort of weight training to keep your bone density in order.
So, get out there and walk! The benefits are wonderful! Go out your front door and start with a 10 minute walk and build from there. Once you start feeling good, after a few days or a week, grab some weights to work on your upper body. Your arms will get stronger and will look better in sleeveless shirts!
Just remember, you need to move it move it!