A slap on the back is not as pleasant as a pat on the back! Have your ever noticed that? Slapping can hurt, but a pat on the back can bring a smile to someone’s face. From time to time, it is necessary to give corrective criticism to co-workers, children, friends and relatives. If it is done in a nice way it can yield success for both parties. Praising someone on the other hand will bring higher success. Too often in today’s world people are told what they do wrong far more than they are praised for what they do right. If you get in the habit of praising, or thanking someone for their service, you will find that far less criticism is needed.
People perform better if they are appreciated and told when they have done a great job. This gives them pride in their position and they will work harder and enjoy their job. Children work this way too. Sometimes if you have a difficult child who is not performing well either in school or at home, step back and evaluate their environment. Is it a positive or negative environment? If you find that a person/child’s environment is a “no” environment they will feel like no matter what they do it won’t be good enough. If you begin praising them when they have done something well, you will find that these successes will become more and more frequent.
We moms can be guilty as well. If we ask our children to set the table or fold the clothes and they don’t set or fold just the way “it is supposed to be” we may be disappointed or want to re-set or re-fold. Don’t do it! Praise them for the job they have done. The next time you ask them to help, tell them “it’s a little easier if you do this” and show them how to fold or set it properly. This will go over much better and they will learn the correct way and will still feel good about what they have done for you.
Praise over criticism will lead to greater success and create a positive atmosphere for everyone involved.