We all have dirty laundry now and then but do we need to constantly share it with everybody? I say no. It’s alright to share with a close friend or a confident. Outside of them, no one else needs to be privy of your personal struggles. It’s best to present yourself to others in a positive and cheery way. You will find that being that way, others will want to be around you and you will feel much better about yourself. They also may have an opportunity for you that may help you. People enjoy being around those who have a smile on their face and have a happy disposition. It really is better to fake it till you make it rather than being glum.
The next time you feel like talking about how many dirty clothes you need to wash, stop and think before you speak. Instead of talking about your problems, talk about what a wonderful day it is. If it’s raining, be glad the plants and grass get a drink of water. A cloudy day is often a very pleasant day if you make it that way. Look at the good side of things, if you do this, you will find that your laundry stays much cleaner.