Some tires seem to lose air more than others. If this happens to you, do you find yourself concentrating on checking the air pressure on that particular tire and not the others?
Sometimes we might have a child, a relative, or a friend that seems to need more praise and encouragement to help them through the day, week or life. But, did you know that people, who seem to have it all together, may be craving that same praise or encouragement too? Most people like to know they please other folks and that they are doing a great job in whatever they are doing. Everyone enjoys praise and encouragement even though it seems like they don’t require it.
I started thinking about this the other day, while sitting outside, enjoying a delightful sushi lunch, with one of my friends. We were sharing stories about what our kids had been up to. One of my friend’s children had been having an especially difficult time, in school this year, and her grades were far from wonderful. She told me how draining it was to constantly check behind her and make sure everything was completed on time. As I was sitting there listening to her, it occurred to me that she wasn’t mentioning how her son was doing. I then asked about him and she quickly said, “Oh he’s great! I don’t have to worry about him at all, and it’s a good thing as I feel like I am spinning my wheels with my daughter!” she said with a great big smile.
It was at that point that it struck me! When we have a child, sibling, relative or friend that grabs most of our attention and time, we can unintentionally neglect someone who is self motivated and self assured. What a wake up call! I am also guilty of putting too much of my focus on the thing that needs attention. Everyone benefits from praise and encouragement! People seem to thrive more when they feel like they are doing a good job and/or making a difference. It’s always nice to get a compliment or encouragement when we are doing a good job!
So the next time the “Squeaky Wheel” gets your attention, don’t forget the quiet wheel too!