I have discovered, thru living my own life, that staying positive and healthy are the keys to getting around the roadblocks in front of me. I prefer the sunny side of life. It can take some getting use to, but I have found that it can be accomplished more easily than I realized. I enjoy exercising, but I’m not an exercise fanatic, just a person who knows that exercise in my life matters! Running, walking, yoga and weight-training are my favorite ways to relieve the stresses that build up in daily life. With exercise in my life I am able to to think more positively about any difficult situation that may be in my path. I have learned to view these situations as challenges. “What, in my power, can I do to make this better”. Sometimes just taking steps to correct or change a situation can help you feel less helpless and actually strengthen you!
I am fortunate to live on the coast of South Carolina. I love the beach! The ocean is a great place to get inspiration and get rid of stress! Wherever you may live, there is always a special place near you where you can enjoy it’s beauty, get inspiration and relax!
I enjoy tapping into the creative right side of my brain by drawing. I also enjoy improving my French which gives my brain a workout! It’s amazing how throwing myself into a constructive challenge takes me away and gives me peace. Think about what you like to do and challenge yourself. You may surprise yourself!
I have a close and supportive family. I am lucky to have a husband who is my soulmate. He has inspired me to be the person I am now and I thank him for that! We have two sons, who are very fun to be around and we are so proud of them. Our two miniature dachshunds and our parakeet give our household joy and warmth! Taking care of our pets, playing with them or just talking to them helps me feel positive about the rest of my day.
I hope you enjoy what I have to share. It comes from the journey of my life and from my heart.