Being 62 I never thought I would become a gamer. Mind you I’m not a full time gamer, but I enjoy “Saving The World” as I call it when I sit down to play a game. My two sons have played video games since they were young, (They both have wonderful partners and live on their own now) I made sure they didn’t play too long… well as much as I could. I have to admit, I did get annoyed when I wanted them to do something and I would hear, “Just a minute I have to finish this battle.” That didn’t really settle well with me. I would often hear one of my sons from his bedroom, calling out “Oh Come On!” I didn’t understand what all the fuss was until…..I started saving the world! Ha Ha Now I know when you are in the heat of battle, you want to finish so you don’t have to start all over again. Sorry boys, Mom just didn’t understand LOL!
I’m not a fan of crossword puzzles, and honestly really dislike them! But I know it’s important to keep your mind healthy and exercised just like your body. I still work and use design software, so my mind is always being challenged. But for those of you that may be retired, playing a game may be good for you too! I enjoy playing the PS5. I prefer the games that are role playing and also have some puzzles to figure out, or treasure hunts to find objects. I also enjoy the battles and using weapons! I have become a better shot after some game playing and quicker than I was when I first started. It’s really good for improving your reflexes and eye hand coordination.
I do enjoy most aspects of the games. I am directionally challenged so sometimes depending on the situation in the game I might become very frustrated, especially if it’s some sort of maze. Just kill me! I really don’t know how I got around before GPS. So that being said, I sometimes have to pull my hubby into the game to do this part for me. Lol! Now for those of you that love reading maps, (I know there are people who just love a good map!) and can know the direction you should be heading, without the use of GPS, you will LOVE the maze aspects in the games.
Currently, I have been Playing Horizon Zero Dawn, which has a strong female, Aloy, as the lead character. I love badass women! Ha Ha! There is an add on called Horizon – The Frozen Wilds and a second game called Horizon – Forbidden West, which I will start next. I also recently started Uncharted which is a cool game too. There are 8 games in Uncharted, so plenty to keep you occupied. While playing the PS5 is great entertainment, it also provides some cognitive benefits. Here are a few:
Memory Improvement: Playing games on the PS5 often involves tasks that require memory recall, pattern recognition, and problem-solving. These challenges can stimulate the brain, enhance cognitive function, and improve memory over time. For some peeps with mild memory issues, this can be a valuable way to keep your minds active and engaged.
Enhanced Attention: Video games, especially those with complex narratives or fast-paced gameplay, demand a high level of attention and focus. This can help improve your ability to concentrate, which is essential for memory retention and recall.
Strategic Thinking: Many games on the PS5 require strategic planning and decision-making. Engaging in these activities can help you sharpen your problem-solving skills, which are closely linked to memory function.
Multiplayer and Social Interaction: Online multiplayer games on the PS5 provide an opportunity for social interaction, even if it’s in a virtual environment. I have only done this with one of my sons and his girlfriend. We have played SacBoy, which is a multi-player game that can be played online. I’m not into playing with just random people, mainly because they will kick my butt and I don’t like to lose, LOL! But having social connections and engaging in conversations can support cognitive health and memory. I haven’t looked into it, but I am sure there is a community of online gamers that you can find that would be suitable to engage with.
So as you can see, gaming and the PS5 is not just for kids, it’s for all ages. If played moderately, it can be fun and helpful to your mind. If you have a PS5 in your household, see if your kids will let you give it a try! They will probably be excited that you are interested in what they enjoy. My sons get a kick out of their parents gaming. We share about the games we are playing and even ask for advice how to get through a certain scene and that’s a lot of fun. So give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised, have some fun and give your brain some good activity for a good workout!