It’s a beautiful fall morning, the birds are singing, there is a slight breeze and I smell breakfast aromas wafting through my car windows. – Where am I going? To find my treasures at yard sales of course! I have been going to yard sales for many years and have found many treasures that I needed, and some I didn’t really need, but felt like I couldn’t live without, like the music box table. It’s a unique item and was an interesting find!
Yardsaling is a great past time. It gets you up and moving early on a Saturday morning and it’s fun to talk with the many different vendors you meet along your way. I remember one yardsale where the yardsalers had just moved to the area and were downsizing. I had my finds in my arms ready to cash out and the lady of the house started adding more items to my arms explaining I should have them too! These finds, one of which I remember, a coffee grinder, were free! That really made my yardsaling that day a huge success!
I usually plan out a rough idea of where I want to venture and where most of the yardsales are on that particular day. I use the online newspaper, Google and other online resources to get me started. On pretty days it’s so nice to be outside and hunting through treasures. Sometimes it’s amazing to me why people are getting rid of certain items because they are such wonderful finds!
My husband calls me a “yardsale snob!” I like to look for great outfits and accessories that go well together. I am often complimented when I am wearing an outfit to a party and I love to declare, “And all for under five dollars! It is amazing what articles you can find. At one of my yard sale adventures I found 8 pairs of shoes of all kinds in my size. ( I wear a 5 1/2, which is not an easy size to find, even in a store.) I got all the shoes I needed for that season at one yardsale! I love fashion, like any woman, and really enjoy finding designer pieces for 50 cents or a dollar! I also find it fun to negotiate with the yardsale vendor to get an even better price. Usually, the goal of the vendor is to sell the item regardless of the price; of course, there are those who want to hang onto their items – so I let them!
Try it one Saturday morning. Take some personal time, enjoy the scenery and the people, save some money and take home some treasures of your own!