I have had dogs in my life for 50 years. I love them! They are there for you when you are happy, sad, mad or quiet. They give you unconditional love, company and of course poop! My first dog, as a child, was a very vocal, miniature schnauzer, named Mitzi. She was a love bug, a great companion and loved people. We always knew when people were coming to see us, Mitzi let us know! So as for Mitzi’s “presents” for us, we let them accumulate in the yard until is was Yard Day. Okay this was back in the 1970’s and we didn’t know all we know now! Granted, she was only allowed to poop in one area of the yard, but looking back….it was still gross! So before Yard Day officially started, my sister and I had our job cut out for us. We each had a brown paper grocery bag and we had the lovely job of scooping the poop! In order to make this horrible task fun, we made it a race to see whose bag got the most poop! I can’t remember who won.
My husband and I have been married for 32 years, for 26 of these years we have had dogs. We have always scooped the poop after it landed, it’s just what we did. Isn’t that what everybody does now? Well the answer to that question is a no! Although most dog owners are responsible and scoop the poop, there are those few who choose not to scoop and leave the poop. We now live in a community densely populated with wonderful dogs of all breeds and sizes. We love to greet them and so does our dog, Misty, a very loving hound mix. We always say she’s nothing but a hound dog! We absolutely love all of the dogs….just not their presents left behind. And of course it’s not the dog’s fault…their owners are supposed to pick up after them. We always laugh and say our Misty is saying…”Yeah, pick up my shit”!
Our community and the communities around us provide poop bags and poop trash cans strategically placed around the common areas. It’s wonderful! There are companies who empty these poop trash cans, like DoodyCalls, very catchy and appropriate name!
Unfortunately there are “those neighbors” who choose not to scoop the poop. It’s such an easy task to do and you don’t get your hands dirty doing it. My husband and I were walking our dog one day and saw a neighbor’s dog poop and she started to walk away, saw us and decided it was best to scoop the poop. Another time, a neighbor who lives very close to us…was standing across the street from us while his dog did its business. We have seen this neighbor before leave the poop so we glanced back, he saw us and pretended to reach in his pocket! Couldn’t believe it! We kept an eye on him and no there was no bending over. For those dog owners who don’t pick up their poop, that’s 365 days of the year probably 2 poops a day, you do the math on how much poop that is! (Eye Roll)
Here are some reasons why Scooping the Poop is necessary:
- Public Health – One of the primary reasons for picking up dog poop is public health. Dog feces can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and other dogs, leading to various diseases and infections. When you don’t clean up after your dog in public areas you can put the health of your community at risk.
- Environmental Impact – Dog poop, when not picked up, can wash into storm drains and water bodies, leading to water pollution. The toxins in dog feces can harm aquatic ecosystems, endangering fish and other wildlife. Picking up after your dog helps maintain the balance of our environment.
- Keeping Your Community Clean – All dressed for work and you decide to pull the trash can back in before heading to work and squish….there it is…poop… compliments of a neighborhood dog whose owner thought you would enjoy it….Not! Nobody enjoys stepping in dog poop whether it’s in your own yard or while taking a leisurely stroll in the park or through your neighborhood. Not Scooping the Poop can create an unpleasant environment and inconvenience for other community members. And sometimes feuds between neighbors. Scoop the poop, it creates a more pleasant atmosphere for everyone!
- Poop Fines – Many cities and municipalities have laws and regulations mandating that dog owners clean up after their pets in public areas. Failing to do so can lead to fines and other legal consequences. Being aware of and obeying local ordinances is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership.
- Preventing the Spread of Disease Among Dogs – Leaving dog poop in public areas can contribute to the spread of diseases among dogs. Some contagious diseases can be transmitted through feces, potentially affecting other dogs that come into contact with it. Picking up after your dog helps reduce the risk of such diseases. Do the right thing and Scoop the Poop!
- Be a Responsible Pet Owner! – Responsible pet ownership involves more than just feeding, grooming and playing. Cleaning up after your dog is your responsibility. It shows that you care for your pet and the well-being of others in your community.
So Scooping the Poop may not be the most enjoyable task, but it is a necessary one. As dog owners, we must embrace this task to make a cleaner, healthier, and more harmonious society for all. Next time you’re out with your furry friend, remember to bring those poop bags and do your part in keeping your community clean and safe! Scoop The Poop!